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Reviews for "Silent Death"

Boring game.

Constructive criticism time:

Try coming up with a story that isn't "Get files, kill people and 'the chief'" for one. If you want to have a game that's remembered, you should give it a better story.

Common sense works, too. If I'm standing around and the light above me is shot out, I'm not going to be standing there as if nothing happened. Likewise, if I put a bullet into someone's head, they shouldn't really be standing up anymore. Give penalties for using the gun.

Redundancy isn't that fun either. The whole game is "shoot lights, shoot cameras, crouch, kill people."

Lastly, the graphics. Not only are most of the things we see are straight objects (Using the circle tool, square tool, etc), but even the colors are bland and don't do any justice to the game. The 'night vision goggles' doesn't make sense either- why not have a green stream of light follow your mouse? If you're wearing night vision goggles in real life, everything that is in a ten-foot diameter around you don't start glowing green.

I'm doing my best to be nice about this, but damn, it's really bad.


It was too repedetive, it needed more abilities. It was just the same situation over and over. And it was too easy.

Really poorly done.

First things first- make the controls customisable. Fiddling to hit the r key is difficult for most people- and it is known worldwide that most people can't stand using the q key if the movements are ASDW. Second up- Voice actors- and realism. What kind of guard stands still doing nothing? Bouncers do that- and they have their backs usualy to a wall. REAL guards patrol. Secondly, you need a real perimiter on sight for the guards-as well as some reactions. Most guards won't go "What was that?" If a light suddenly goes out. More likely they'll go "What the f***?" And investigate. If you shoot a camera, MAYBE they won't notice. But a light? Noticable in a PITCH BLACK FACILITY--? No guard will be stupid enough to opperate in pitch black conditions- one or two lights? Not good enough!
Also, -Tazer. If you hit someone well enough with a good tazer they'll be knocked out. If you hit a camera with a tazer maybe there is a 10% chance of it somehow breaking-
Pulling out and throwing a grenade isn't difficult, so why does it take so long?
Also, if one guard has noticed you and is shooting at you, chances are the other guards will notice. I also had a guard shooting at me _through_ another guard. Even if he was shooting next to the guard the guard would notice, maybe even jump in shock and turn around?
Finaly, I would suggest changing the atmosphere...It's really repetitive, not to mention unrewarding for progressing...

I know it sounds like alot of work- but thats what you need to do to produce a real stealth game-

FrostedMuffins responds:

Quite obviously you have never programmed ANYTHING in flash. I'm 14 and just trying to make a fun game in a limited program. You'd expect those things in a 3D game made by professionals who make games for a living. But in a 2D game, you simply have to have your boundries or the game would become impossible. I made the enemies stand still in the begining levels so that beginers woulnd't have a hard time starting off. In later levels, they do walk around. Try to program anything in flash, and you'd see where I'm coming from. This game was difficult enough to make, I just wish that people who didn't use flash could have some kind of understanding.


when i click on instructions, it moves me to a page with nothing on it. also, when i play, i don't see anything besides the lamps and a grey wall. enemies still seem to detect me though, and shooting and walking works as well, but that won't help me much when i can't see where i'm going to and where my enemies are.

FrostedMuffins responds:



I'll let the rating I gave do the talkin
