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Reviews for "Gem Mine"

bit addicting

I know this isn't the complex game ever invented,but it's pretty addicting


I love this but a pause button or something of the like would be nice.

Nice little game

Well worthy of taking up some of my time during a lull in the office workload. I must have spent 30-40 hours on this thing over the past 6 months alone. (It was so addictive that I completely forgot to review it)

A very simple game, with a well developed interface and basic commands. I could have done with seeing a tutorial level, just to point out what can be done in the game. I know the instructions are there, but people rarely read them, with the learn from experience a tried and tested formula.

I could also have benefited from the knowledge that clicking on the cage at the bottom of the line advances the game by one line of gems. It increases the challenge and allows cocky sods like me to play a lot quicker

[Review Request Club]

Liked it.

Liked this game.Very entertaining,and one I will have to play again.Keep up the good work.


collapse but with jems. :)