this thing is such watch to many gang movies and make a wanabie one...pathetic!
this thing is such watch to many gang movies and make a wanabie one...pathetic!
That was just a huge waste of time.
Ok so first off its your sterotypical "Black guy is always high" joke. Ha ha funny but you really didn't go anywhere with it. You got some skinny guy who does mildly entertaining stupid shit (not even mildly). A fat dude with a really high voice, and an old guy who should be so old he should be belting that kid for doing drugs while at work which is something no store will stand for. Also if the kid is so stonned he really should be talking a little bit more unnatural. The whole thing just wasn't funny and used dope as a saftey net cuz everyone thinks dope movies are funny.
I counted one funny line in the whole thing.
chronic good, cartoon bad.
Hey, this story was about weed and laziness. No humor, no gimmick, no catch phrase. Improve your script, or don't come out with episode 2.