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Reviews for "Kanye West: Hurricane"

Great and so true

You morons the whole movie has more to do with how black people blame racism whenever they want to protest/draw attention to something and how they martyr their long dead slave ancestors for money from the government and businesses (which shouldn't be given to them since anyone who was actually involved with slavery died 200 years ago)

This was...nothing worth blowing up over

this was in NO WAY racist... and NOT meant to be offensive.. it was made to prove a point of how much kanye over reacted to the whole situation.. what kanye west said was an over reaction.. so this flash is simply a satire, or over reation of the inital over reaction.. thats it thats all stop freakin out.. givein out history lessons and all that.. its just a point well proven and the artisit The Walrus.. is quite famous for this type of animation.. so theres nothing to freak out about at all.. the end, shut up...

The-WalrusZ responds:

Yup. that's it.

Don't compare this to Chappele's Show!

Meh it was ok. Nothing compared to Chappele's Show other than the racism. It wasnt really funny, it seemed more hateful than anything else, including comedic. While I dont beleive that George Bush doesnt care about black people, I believe that he just doesnt care about poor people...obivously... Kanye west made some good observations about Bush acting instantly durring 9/11 while it took Bush like atleast a week just to get into Louisianna for a photo op. Anywho this is pretty damn racist in my view. Imblackgimmemyhandout dot com? pfft! thats way out of the damn ballpark.

Oh also you left out the black black skin, white gloves, and white cheeks of your Kanye West charicture....RACIST! *points*

The-WalrusZ responds:

If he had said "poor people" this flash would not have been made. It's obvious Kayne does not care about poor WHITE people, otherwise he would have said "poor people". Think about that and tell me who's racist.

People seem to be not getting the point.

This is just a flash about what Kanye said. "But what about the reparations part?" An African American saying that George W Bush is racist is as common as an African American saying something about reparations. Someone said something about the effect of saying cracker and the "n word" aren't equal and that just because an african americans were oppressed for 100 years they are allowed to say cracker and we aren't allowed to say the "n word." It was a pretty stupid point because whites were oppressed longer than african americans. The term cracker comes from the food known as "King Georeges Crackers" which were nothing but biscuits given to the poor and serfs living on the lands. Whites were also slaves in America too. They were "indentured servants." Besides the africans living in Africa were capturing other africans and selling them to slave traders for the colonies in America and in Europe. Cracker and the "n word" are equal. Did you notice how I said African American throughout that whole speech and not "black" because it is considered politically correct and not racist. Funny how a lot of people kept saying black instead of African Americans in there little reviews to stand up to what they believed in.

The-WalrusZ responds:

Thanks for the history lesson. I thought white people were called crackers because they are as white as crackers... lol

i think we can all agree bush is a douche

and i do think what kanye said was true, but its not just black people he doesnt care about, its poor people. douche... i mean bush doesnt care about POOR people, and i do think he could have done a lot more considering hes spent most of what happened fishing and is paying for a war that we don't need. overall i think u got the point and it was pretty funny