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Reviews for "Lord Of The Stars 1.4"


for teh person below me:quiet a few games on new grounds can upgrade your charector(thats what a RPG IS!), save, and there IS better animations...

now for the artist: i wanted to see the upgrades on the charector!if you could in the menu,why not in the game?but i didnt find it slow, more levals maybe? and i bit more TREES in the FOREST


It looked good initially but I have to say one or two areas were very poor, the character stat variation I wasn't very keen on

lord of the rings is gettin old

but i did injoy the music and playing the game

More or less

A dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing view
Demanding great effort or labor; difficult

Dont use words you in which you dont know the meaning please. You misuse them and end up looking like an idiot. Nothing about this game is contraversal nor arduous.. maybe making the game was arduous but not the game itself.

By the way the frame rate was too slow.. keep at it though.

ArneTheTurtle responds:

Point 1 - Our game is contraversial in the sense that the people voting on it are in dispute about whether it is of high or low quality. Sorry you couldn't follow our logic *pats on head* As for arduous, I think that working day and night on a project for a month qualifies. I'm sorry you have such trouble understanding, but thank you. As for the framerate, it's a clean 30FPS if you're on anything above a 1.7 Ghz in IE, which apparently you aren't, you have my sympathy that you will not be able to enjoy this game without a $200 investment at fry's electronics. Have a nice day. -ATT

I liked the game.... BUT...

I liked it. I spent four hours playing it. At the end of the game, when I defeated Staruman, all I got was his little death cry, and an assload of useless stars. Then the screen just sat there for a while. Nothing happened, and then the credits rolled. I was upset that I didn't get a cool closing cinematic or anything. Fix that, and it'll be cool.

Total Stars Collected: 3315
Final Character Level: 10
Your Rank: Evasionist

ArneTheTurtle responds:

I'm sorry we didn't have a more extensive ending cinematic. I applaud you for reaching level ten and collecting as many stars as you did! I hope that you enjoyed the game despite the ending. Congrats again, and thank you for the review. We'll invest in an ending cinema next time.