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Reviews for "ChaozFantasy-Metaljonus"


at first i didndt know what to think about this one... because the intro sounded more like a techno thing, but then bäääm in youre face!!! great riffing its very pushing. and the drumms fit perfectly to it.

nice job!


Metaljonus responds:

Hehe, I like that it throws people off when the song first starts. Thanks for listening. I hope Paragonx9's cute little behind listens to the track. ;)


its truly great

Metaljonus responds:


you are a god, my dear man

funny, i just saw your comment on a voice acting clip, and i decided to check your stuff out.
and it just made my day <33

Great take to the already great song.

I love how you metalized a lot of music, and this one makes a great feel for a rush. You've outdone yourself on this.

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks! Metal make my world go round so don't I make everyone else's world go crazy lol.

Ha ha! Like MoD said below.

Yes I know him. We're coming from the same place literally. Now for the tune. At first, I wasn't sure. I mean it started like most any other tune, but then it just bang. It become one insane and enjoyable tune.
First of all, download, then all scores to the top, and finally, adding to my fav.
You sure, impressed me. ^^

Metaljonus responds:
