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Reviews for "Islam At Glance"

needs work, but good message

it's a noble thing to try to break down stereotypes, but you're going to come across a lot of harsh criticism by people who don't really understand what Islam is at its core. right now it's "cool" to be against Islam, so expect a lot of flaming. (already I notice a bunch of poorly written and uninformed reviews of this flash)

that said, this flash still needs work. the scrollbar is backwards (down scroll arrow scrolls up and vice versa), The Five Pillars of Islam has a lot of typos in it, and And A Last Word doesn't work at all. it also is a bit strange how the scroll list repeats endlessly, but that may have been on purpose.

otherwise, the design is pretty nice.

although I'm an Agnostic and don't agree with a lot of what is said in this, I'm glad it's here to help break down the self-righteous ignorance that seems to be a fad right now here in the US. good job.

Good Work

Great job on the flash, I am just sorry to see so much hatred in the reviews.

Also in response to Renegade_Hamster, if you read liviticus in the Bible it also advocates a lot of violoence, its not just islam.

I was very impressed with this, it has lots to offer and lots of info on islam, really showed some great effort on flash skills, very nice work indeed, Well nothing since it was basicly perfect, if i can think of anything i would say add some short cartoon to go with it A great flash if you want to know about islam and the way of life of the islamic people, very well put together



Its a very neat thing you made... But do you really feel it needs to be on a site like newgrounds.. When I think newgrounds I expect to see original flash movies... not infomercials about the islamic religion... But pretty cool flash tho ;)

This is a great idea...

...there is a hell of a lot of bad media on Islam and Muslims in general and people who dont know the raw basics of Islam only draw knowledge about it from terrorist attacks and fundamentalists etc.
This submission was a nice idea, no mention about fundamentalists, attacks, no media slander nothing raw or angry or patronising.
Simple, peaceful and with good intentions but...this is probably not the best place to host this.
Not too many people come on Newgrounds to learn, they come for mindless violence, crazyness, games and hot cartoon chicks lol.
It's nice that you have this here but maybe look to also upload this some place more relevant where people who want to learn or who are particularly interested can access this.