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Reviews for "Islam At Glance"


I want to make clear this has nothing to do with my personal opinions about Islam.

It's a bunch of text, and a few background pictures. Dull presentation, no matter how interesting the material might have been.

The scrolling thing at the side doesn't work properly. The arrows scroll the opposite direction from what Windows users expect, making me think for a while they didn't work at all when I couldn't scroll down. Also, you can scroll down (by picking the TOP arrow, ugh) past the last item in the list, so it makes even less sense that the lower arrow doesn't do anything when the list is already at the top.

The "final word" button didn't appear to do anything at all.

At first I thought it might be interesting to hear the Islamic point of view on Islam, but really all I found out was that apparently my social studies classes gave me a pretty fair and unbiased summary.


where is the game, looks like you just wanted us to know some musilim or islum culture, nice job on the GUI though, looks good


....and irresponsible.

You want people to stop hating on Islam... then take responsibility for your religion like all the other religions in the world have and speak out against the extremists in your religion.

Until you do that, you have no reason to blame anyone for being "Islamophobic", because you've done sh!t-all to convince them otherwise, except with prosletyzing like this that avoids the real issue.

this is not a game

If I'd want to hear muslim propaganda I'd go listen to a camelhumping imam. that being said, as a muslim you shouldn't use a computer.

Muslims stoop to no lows. And this proves it.

if muslims could they would proselytize in every primary school in North America, but ban any other religions from doing so.