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Reviews for "Black Knights Episode 1"

Very nicely done

The voices and music were both very faint, but the style and animations were very nice. Keep it up, I look forward to the next one!

eh.... could have been better

i know the graphics were great and i usually like stuff like this i think it might have been better if you had the knights carrying torches instead of the guy casting poison or watever taht was that would have been cooler i think but hey its your flash movie not mine

Great looking movie!

The graphics were top notch-- lots of darkness! It gave it the eerie effect needed for such a story. Good effects on the magic, too. I particularily liked the armour.

The style of the movie was something else. I found it interesting how you tried to meld medevil and Japanese warriors/names. Even though such a concept is fairly original, they were not mixed well enough in your movie to be believable. I personally think if you stuck to one or the other it would increase the impact of your movie a great deal. (either that or work on your mixing ;)

The sound was all right. Like everyone has been saying, it was too loud or quiet in some places. Easily fixed.

Not any humor that I could tell--- but a movie like this doesn't need humor.

Best of luck on your next chapter!


It looks very nice...but you can't hear a damn thing.

Great flash, but.....

The sound was horrible. I would have given you a 9 or 10 if not for the sound. The animation was good, the mysterious story had me reeled in, but the sound, Oh God the sound. Fix that one issue and you will have a great flash.