i think this is a great game but on a mission the one where you must play football or something you cant do anything on the field?
or i dont now what to do please tell me what i mst do there
i think this is a great game but on a mission the one where you must play football or something you cant do anything on the field?
or i dont now what to do please tell me what i mst do there
You need to pick up the ball in the middle of the field, then run to the end of the pitch, avoiding the beefy guys. Thanks for the 8!
i live one suburb over from Doncaster
but i assume you don't mean the Doncaster in Melbourne, Australia?
lol no, i mean the one in England, it sucks more than the Australian version.
I'm sure the hilarity of this game is lost on Americans, however being close to Doncaster and frequenting it often makes me chuckle a lot. I didn't play it to the end, does the racecourse or dome get a mention? Brillinat game, all that was missing was the vast number of chavs found in Donny!
Stupid americans... Thanks for the hight score anyway, look out for part three, it's in Donny again.
def. a good game, of course graphics could use tidying up and the option of always having a car and such, but def. complete this seires!
Always having a car isn't realistic, i walk to town alla time. But you do get roller skates later on that make it faster.
dam good game
Thanks, i'm so happy i'm gonna put a n00b face.. XD there we go