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Reviews for "Renegades Chapter 1"

not so great

I would save your seleve the band with and dont wacth this

Not Interesting Enough Yet

Hopefully the series will get more itneresting as it goes but as for now, I wasn't that impressed. I do look forward to seeing where this goes though.

Nicely animated, could be executed better

I am a bit familiar with your work and beforehand i kind of knew what i could expect animationwise.

The simple style you have, lends itself very well for impressive animation. Characters can be rotated and drawn from all perspectives easily since they lack shading or details. It's a style similar to the one Vinnie Veritas got famous with. You can draw characters pretty well proportioned and also the timing of the movements was good. (even though you need to improve on running sequences)

However, as impressive as the actual animation was, as disappointing was the rest. The backgrounds were extremely dull and lacked the passion in which the characters were animated. The houses looked like houses the way a young boy draws them in kindergarten. Without perspective and without any further eye for detail or proportion.

The same can be said for the storyline. It is extremely simple and flat and not 1 moment was i convinced that i was looking at a cool post apocalyptic setting ran by dangerous gangs (something that for example Fallen Angel managed to pull of extremely well). The entire story and setting just functioned as an excuse to animate the action/fighting sequence.

Other details such as the ugly gun and the unconvincing acting of the characters during serious moments show that as an animator you still have alot to learn. I think you would have been better off animating a spectacular musicvideo completely Veritas style rather than to take on an ambitious project such as this. If you concentrate more on the mentioned flaws rather than just put you heart and soul in animating action sequences, then i think something really interesting can come out.


Not bad... but not too good either...

It's pretty good, I'll say that much. But honestly this could be a lot better than what it is. The animation's a bit choppy, but a lot of times good storyline and style makes up for it.
Sadly, with this Flash this isn't the case.

My main complaint is that the storyline, the characters, the setting is all really, really, REALLY clishe. I've seen this sort of thing a million times before, and I think you could do a whole lot better than this. And also, like someone said before me the story seemed very rushed. Taking some time tom reflect on the death of the parents, loosing her brother, and the Syndicate raids could have been elaborated on so we could get a better look at the main character. Give her some heart. SHOW what she's feeling, don't just tell us.

Also, the voice acting is well... bad. There's really no nice way to say it. I mean, the new heroic drifter fellow's voice wasn't too bad, but the rest, was just terrible. Not to mention rather cheesy lines that can be found in almost every action anime.
The music was very, VERY good, though.
I think that this would have been a LOT better if you just got rid of the dialouge all together and let the music and images tell the story. Maybe with just a little dialouge inbetween.

I also liked the action scenes. They were very well done. Much better than what I can do, anyway.

But all in all I have to say you show a lot of talent and potential in this thing. Keep at it.

Two things very wrong

I liked the animation style and everything although the story was cliche. I really thought the boat was original. However, one glaring problem is that the Syndicate are no threat whatsoever. They have no weapons, except one guy has one gun out of eight it seemed, they have no fighting skills, and they are completely incompetent. If I were living in that world, I wouldn't be scared at all. These guys aren't even thugs. They're hobos. Yet the girl is afraid of them? I didn't buy it.

The second thing is also a big problem. The girl's eyes are way too big. I know it's the anime style, I've seen enough anime to know, but every other character in the movie had normal (or relatively normal) proportioned eyes. Hers took over half of her face. You need to tone that down. It just makes her look silly and when I see her, it makes me think of the artist style rather than a legit character with emotions and thoughts. I'm not thinking about what she's saying but I'm enormously bothered by her hideously freakish appearance. She's a freak, not a character.