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Reviews for "Corrupt Voting Day"

No animation just audio.

But it was kinda funny but it's something that should be in the Audio portal,at least make some kind of animation to go with the audio,nice try anyways.

Andersson responds:

Yeah, the quality of this animation is low.

It should be in the Audio Portal but this was just for kicks, thank you for the review however.

/Mathias Andersson


I would say welcome to newgrounds but that would be stating the obvious. A couple of flaws a there were things on clock day that did get blammed. Not everything passed judgement. I have survived many clock days. I remember Clock Day 2004, many of the true clocks, not the hacks that call them selves clock now. Were not happy with that clock day, I am sure the same people were sick to there stomach with the results.
The true meaning of Clock Day has been lost to those that were part of this last one.

Andersson responds:

Yeah, I am aware of that.

However, for us who ain't Clock Crew members, the day is just a day to enjoy. A lot of members visit the NG BBS aswell as the Flash Portal is full of activity.

It is a day most members enjoy, even though it ain't celebrated in the way the original true Clocks wanted.

However, thank you very much for the review ramagi, and I expect Clock Day 2006 to be even larger. Hehe.

/Mathias Andersson

So true...

What you said was true and it is kind of corrupt, but this flash had a complete lack of animation, the voice was kind of hard to heard at some points, and the text was ugly...yeah.

Andersson responds:

Hehe, well I can not deny those facts.

Thank you for the review anyways.

/Mathias Andersson


Was that it? Hate to say it, but i would definatly blam it if this was in UJ at the same time i was.

So, we have a black screen, with green text saying ''Clock Day 2005''. Ok, so far so good. Then, a voice gets heard. Carrying a message that we should all be pleased by the fact that it's clock day.

There's nothing wrong with clock day, there really isn't. But when a submission like this makes it.... Sheesh!

Also, you could try more than once recording your voice. You didn't make the speech 100%, in my oppinion. Maybe you should download speakonia, since it's a clock based movie. And then add clocks. Making it even better. It's really not that hard.

~ Frost

Andersson responds:

I would have blammed this too if it was under judgement. However, the viewers didn't.

And fact is, I didn't submit this at the time everything passed (As it was said). I submitted this when many movies had started to get blammed.

However, some people must have thought the quality was good enough.

Heh, yeah I could update the recording. But there is a greater purpose of this submission than just to entertain.

I do already have "Speaktonia" but I didn't want to use it.
I am not officially a "Clock Crew" member (Only undecover) and I decided speaking with my real voice is the best thing to do in this case.

I could have made it better, in that case, I would have done it already in a update. But it wouldn't be fair towards those who've written reviews already.

Thank you for your review.

/Mathias Andersson


Shut the fuck up, appreciate clock day and the power of B and on top of that all, please learn how to speak english properly if all your movie is, is you talking.

Andersson responds:

If you appreciate the Clock Day, why don't you appreciate the submission?

This submission actually supports the Clocks through telling people that this ain't a day to "[...]hate, flame or whistle".

And I can't speak English better without practising, I live in Sweden and I didn't have time to get better before the Clock Day. Sorry.

Happy Clock Day and thanks anyways for the review!

/Mathias Andersson