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Reviews for "DragonBall Ecks"


This was a good movie, a little oddly presented in terms of the small screen with your own border. That came out fresh and interesting in the end. Well i had mixed reactions about some of this...

The graphics were pretty good, the one bad thing here is sometimes it was a little difficult to see what was going on. Other than that the drawings were quite good and sometimes everything was very detailed. Some backrounds were good, and the animation was smooth. The style overall was good, i mean the small screen could obviously have been bigger. But the border you had around it was cool.Your animating style seems pretty developped based on this movie. Anyways the content was cool, i liked how some resembled DBZ while other parts were totally your creation. The sound was good, the music was well used but i particularily didnt like the second song. This is just a personal style thing. The first song was really cool. Violence usually doesnt fail, and this had lots of it.

Overall a very good job, with some style problems here and there. Its a good thing they didnt take much out of the overall viewing pleasure. Anyways keep it up! 4/5

good but...

the character thing just skips through all the people and u cant read it :(


It was a good movie. I like your drawings though most of the characters were exactly like the ones in street fighter Alpha. But the characters were original in their own little way. Also most of the scenes in the movie were exactly like street fighter Alpha.

So since i liked the movie i hope you will continue to make good movies like this or better.

Street Fighter?? lol

It wasn't exactly original lol, but still interesting. Would like to see him fight razor.

not bad

not bad man..looks pretty fukkin cool. kudos! ^_^