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Reviews for "Patience"

Dear Lucas Gonzagagas

Dear dude.
Restraining yourself from enacting terrible fantasies is not really a virtue. Maybe dealing with life in a way other than wanting to kill people, well, definitely is. Quite an innapropriate way of trying to bring meaning to your quote. Get mature buddy. There is always an alternative to violence. On the plus side, it was a decent piece. Good style, coloring, and the animation was alright. Thanks Luke. Like to see more.

APC kicks - PAZ is a hotty!

This on the other hand was, mmm, ok...
The graphics were ok and fit the mood of the scene.
I don't think the idea was that he was going to shoot all these people, but rather just think about it. Shit I release a little anger by mentally blowing peoples heads off all the time.
( And hey, I regaurd myself as a happy, well adjusted, upstanding citizen of these here United States ).

Cry for help at table one

well, I liked the sound track but just take a minuteand take a deep breath before you start your next flash. Now I want you to think..."gee, what are people going to think about this?...Can they understand me?..Does my quote make sense, or is it something deeply personal that others can not hope to grasp?...especially when it is poorly worded (no question mark).
Now I know your thinking "what an ass" right about now, but just hear me out. If you want to reach people, you need more content. I know it is tough, but you have to spell it out, beat it to death, kill it, bury it, dig it up, and then burn it (it being the message). It could have been good and you have skill, just try not to do two things:
1) make a complex feeling to simple
2) make us think your the next person to go on a shooting rampage

Either way. good hustle.
Peace out and show me more

that was...something

the animation was good, but your message was jarbled and incoherent. your quote made no sense, and you made yourself out to be the next eric harris. it seems like you should perhaps be spending less time making flash animations and more time working out your unprovoked anger at the world.


Foi mal, não gostei. Você anda deprimido?