woopety doo da
This was madd funny.Silly indians and there explosives.id like to see more from you.
woopety doo da
This was madd funny.Silly indians and there explosives.id like to see more from you.
This was impresive to the point of how good u....
This was impressive to the point of how good u made the flash look.I'd like to see more from this author.Overall Twisted Punch by Life1 was 2000 times better.
Flash comes at a bad time
Normally I laugh at things like this but, I guess it's because we are at war with those suicide bombers. Guess war changes people attitiudes huh.
Well some would be offended by this submission, im not( the government says blame the video games). But the truth is its just ok. I watch CNN, MSNBC, and even Fox NEWS, and yet i dont care if people are being blow up. So to say the least the submission is only kinda funny next time try harder you might really get them pissed.
Seriously....much, MUCH too soon......(reference to the old comedian tactic determining length of time before current events becomes joke material).
Props for the graphics and audio production, but the content was shoddy, tactless and untimely.
I vote we send the creators of this cartoon to Iraq....another vote goes to the removal of this cartoon from Newgrounds.....