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Reviews for "The Immigrant"

Great animation!

... to bad about the music though...


Pretty quality stuff, though I'd be surprised if this got on MTV because it's so controversial and makes you need to think too much. As far as I know MTV likes to stick with more lighthearted stuff, don't get me wrong this is by no means a bad movie but it's chances of TV broadcast I'm really not sure about...

professor-fate responds:

Hmm... call me dumb, but I don't follow...? It makes you think too much, huh.

Good but...

This was good film, but one thing lowered my points...not little.
That poor green guy lives slave life and is little bad shape and suddently he is somekinda superhero who saves others slaves lifes...


I Liked this an awful lot.

I'm chewing on a deflated balloon right now and it tastes vile, but I watched this and my mind was taken off it.

It's good, regardless.

Any other member of the public that isn't quite so very discriminate as some others would share my view.

But however, considering the quality of some assets and the not-so-quality of others, given more time you'd obviously improve on some of the images, but until then this is excellent.

Good song too.

How sure are you that this is gonna make it?

It's alright, but it's not tv worthy. As far as it goes at NG, it's decent. Those turtle looking things are freaky. This actually has a likeness of what actually happened 3 centuries ago. Meh it's a 3/5 at most.