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Reviews for "Sonic scene creator."

Fun...in a box!

This was mildly amusing for a few minutes. Then again, not much on this website is supposed to entertain for longer than that so this is great. Sprites were great. Besides, who wouldn't want to create compromising positions between Tails and Knuckles? :-P


This was pretty good. I have yet to see another sprie scene creator where the sprites are moving, but I'm a noob, so there probably are some out there. I just wish the scenes were bigger. Keep it up man.

I agree with the last reviewer

It does need to be a lot better and need more characters and levels

Zhuburz responds:

Well than go see Sonic scene creator v.2!!

need soopuh fowums!!!

its good just not as good as the rest

Zhuburz responds:

This is the OG yo