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Reviews for "3D Fight 2"

That was better than ususal

THis one stood out of the crowd. But yeah, the characters need work, and some music and more sound effects would be good. And maybe sligtly longer. Oh, and I know this is asking for too much, but maybe in the future... a good plot?

Good graphics

But there was nothing special about it. The 3D was a nice change, but I would prefer a cool 2d fight scene over a simple and somewhat weak fight in 3D. Those are my thoughts.


That was kinda wierd. It reminded me of Rayman or whatever it's called since they dont have legs or arms. It was short too, but it was 3D so it probably took a long time but I saw a 3D flash before and it was way longer. Well it was pretty good

um it's was ok

Could do with some work.......
Like adding arms and legs the graphics wer pretty good but it could have been longer, more action, mabye some blood


pretty slow pased. make it longer, give it a little more action, maybe some music and you'll have yourself front page material.