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Reviews for "The Big Fat Tutorial"


Its....an actually usable tutorial! DO my eyes decieve me?
::blink blink::
I mean, it's something that I might actually consider using! No way! That's what tutorials are for? Using? I thought they were just obvious showcases of an author's lack of talent and originality and creativity, usually resulting in an easy blam.....but this....this isn't!

I think hell just froze over, because tutorials this good shouldn't exist on this planet

Helbereth responds:

Well if hell didn't freeze over when the Red Sox won, it couldn't have been frozen by this, but thanks for the dramatic review.

Thanks for a great tutorial

I dont no anything about how to use flash but this tutorial has showed me a new way forward all i need now is flash :D

Helbereth responds:

You could always do the 30 day free trial of MX 2004. I started with that... and a month after it expired I decided to make the investment (I was a little sketchy about spending $500).

There are olde, cheaper versions of flash still available (Flash 5 is still viable.)

Anyway, good luck. Thanks for the review.


Thanks for teaching me that stuff. I remember one time when someone I know was making flash, he said that he was going to use a mask for this one part for the scene, and I asked "Whats a mask?"

lol, thanks anyway.

Helbereth responds:

I had never seen masking explained until I noticed it in the menu. That film reel really was my first attempt (I was trying to make a logo for ICF). And it took me hours to figure out.

Thing is it's so useful (I used masking a lot in this) that i don't understand why it's never explained.

This is awesome.

Not only was the content excellent, but the visuals were amazing too. It is obvious that a lot of time was put into this. I especially likes the parts about masking and rain, since I can never get those right. Thanks for the help and congrats on a job well done.

Helbereth responds:

Thanks, I try. I spent about a month putting this together off and on (I'm estimating). I started around April 8th 2005 and released it May 11th 2005. Masking and rain were late additions. Someone asked, so I put something together. I actually learned to make rain so I could do this tutorial (useful skill).

Thanks for the compliments and the review!

I learned something new today!

I found it amazing how beautiful a background could be with a few vectored images tweened together. Graphic appeal and a fraction of the file size.

Graphics: 8

Although the camera panning was about the only thing new to me, I ACTUALLY understood it, ever thought of being a teacher? I thought I'd get bored but I was intertained throughout.

Style: 8

Sound was great although annoying after awhile but you saved yourself by having a nice selection to cycle.

Sound: 7

Except for the plane crash I don't think there was any violence

Violence: 4

Thanks for the actionscript

Interactivity: 10

Love those fairies!

Humor: 6

Helbereth responds:

Yeah the whole fraction of the file size thing ought to be helpful. I', surprised more people don't do so for their movies seeing as how it's so versatile, and yet so simple.

Yes for about a month I entertained the idea of being a teacher. It's something I might pursue later in life, but I'll have to get over my innate distaste for adolescent attitudes before that happens.

Yeah I wanted the music kept to a video game remix theme, so I figured having a fair number of them would save me from getting too many bad sound reviews. Besides, I had already made a number of the loops a while back (the Shadowrun and great faerie themes are the only loops I constructed specifically for this tutorial).

The plane crash was just fun to make. It's a sight gag meant to draw a laugh in the middle of boring exposition. If you look close at the burning wreck, the scene is a bit more gory than you might believe when you first look (it's possible to pause it during the credits to zoom in).

I barely grasp the basic concepts of action script. It'll be slow going for me in that department mostly because I have this tendency toward disorder - a bad trait to have when doing any programming.

Yeah the Faerie Mafia were another sight gag that I added to keep people's attention span in check. Originally I was going to have camera shakes, but after trying it a few times with no real success I just made the text bounce around. BTW the fact that I used red green and blue for the faerie colors is not just because they're the primary colors of light. I may be putting Link to work at some point...

Anyway, thanks for the itemized review!