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Reviews for "Metal Gear Solid: STS's"

not bad at all

that was gd i realy liked the box part that was my favourite


it sucked. the best animation in the entire thing was sam fisher, the rest of it was just plain stupid, and the jokes were old and very cliche. and btw, who did your voice acting? cause the person sounded like they were either a girl(nothing wrong with that) or a pre-pubescent little boy(should never use a microphone under any circumstances.)

CiyFox responds:

In this on it was all done by me and I am a girl. lol
But i'm not 7 or 10 i'm 17. lol

Wow... Psycho review alert

read previous review and fear ummm... her (I hope).

Dude... The animations were rough, the script needs MAD work...

but most of all... please, never do voices yourself, ever. You have potential in flash, you are not am actor. I'm not trying to insult you; everybody sucks at something. I'm fat as hell.

CiyFox responds:

Yeah i'm a girl, i really tryed. i did. Sorry to disapoint.

But thanks for your review.

aww..how cute...

The widdle boy made all this up by himself...but seriously, this is stupid, laking in even grade school hummor and animation...let me know when you start animating after yu get you're fisrt chest hair

CiyFox responds:



only graphics was good