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Reviews for "The Return of SBL Part 1"

Hmm, a thing with clocks and locks.......

WELL, Mr_GilClock, you DO seem to have issues - ..............
Nice ani, good timing - yet it seems personal issues ARE getting in
the way of the STORY. You have a GOOD grip on your medium,
don't let it drag you into the Bog Of Eternal Stench!, please?, OK?.

MrGilClock responds:

Wat the hell are you on about "Personal Issues"? I don't know what you mean by "it seems your personal issues are getting in the way of the story" And If you don't understand what clocks and locks are, look on the history page or go to clockcrew.net. I'd like to see you do better anywayz lol! ur level 1, Neutral and your favourite bands are David Bowie and NIN.


I must say this was a great (continiuing) on SBC adventures =).
The animations were kinda choppy, but the graphics and sound and humor was nice... yeah, nice indeed.
But you really should make the audio smaller in size, 5 megs is pretty much.
Overall: B!

MrGilClock responds:

thanks man, I agree the animations were kinda choppy and I cud of dun with compressin it down a bit. I look forward to seeing more of your work on NG. B!

Ok movie but mainly depends on ya style

Like the title says it mainly depends on ya style personaly the MS speech thing started to piss me off after a bit

MrGilClock responds:

yer i agree, but thanks for review anyway

Taht was 1337

nice 1 mrgil i think this has to be 1 of ur best movies yet Part 2 better be out soon


MrGilClock responds:

Thank you :D!

not bad at all

Decently animated and somewhat long movie. I liked it...even though Strawberry Clock is not king of the portal! lol.

MrGilClock responds:

thanks mate! glad you enjoyed :D