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Reviews for "I am Canadian (Archived)"


Im Robert ^^


CaNaDa Is A gOoD nAtIoN

But what about lacross?


CANADA RULES! Man I waited so long for a movie talking about Canada who is not a fucking parodie! En passant je suis québéquois mais pas séparatiste VIVE LE CANADA!

*thumbs up*

it's always great to see people who love their country and this was a cool way to show it.

oh and drex, we know that canadians rarely say 'eh', and anyone who doesn't probably thinks that it's canadia and that you guys live in igloos. We just like picking on other people ;)

That was really nice ...

I reallt liked it ... even beeing not Canadian, but German ... ;)

It reminded me of the t-shirt of a canadian friend I had in Japan, maybe you know her ...
Just kidding. ^^

It also reminded me of a story my dad told me, when he lived in Montreal and an US-american cap-driver asked him, if he knows a certain guy in Vancouver.

I am canadian too!

i love it, i simply love it!
it's a great counter attack for people of the u.s.a. that laugh about how we talk.i'm french, from quebec and i don't like how english canadians laugh about us.well the best hockey players come's from QUEBEC! IN YOUR FACE!(not your's, trong luu.)