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Reviews for "counting bodies/neocon"


I dont know what people are going on about the U.S.A. is nothing like that they were attacked by terrorists there defending them selfs sh*t i would hate to think what the U.S would be like if some one like you were in charge, there would be a little sign on your head saying " EVERY ONE ATTACK ME I WONT FIGHT BACK" zzzzz but we are lucky we have a good strong Leader like George Bush if u dont like the U.S get out "U"wImP....................................................

pretty good, but wanted to say...

neonical, i'd like to agree with kennygriff on this. you are a fucking idiot my friend.

conservatives help the poor huh? why is then that the richest folks in the states are getting richer whilst the poorest become even more destitute?

equality among people. any one remember the first time bush won office and the hundreds of black americans who didnt get their vote? yup, equality alright.

dont go to war unless they have to? guess they really HAD to have that oil then huh?

on to the liberals,

want to do immoral and unethical things, sounds like you conservatives do that tenfold what with causing wars to get oil then sell munitions contracts to your families and friends companies.

arent christian..hmm well kill people for oil is very christian like.

suck kerrys balls...well i guess you're a bit of a homophobe to boot.

in conclusion my friend you are a complete asshole. go kill yourself and do us all a favour

Very Very..

Nice.. sometimes the animation wasn't that smooth but i really liked it! Keep this up!

Very good use of symbolism

This Flash is brilliant. I won't comment on the message because it's honestly pretty irrelevant. I agree with your likening it to 1984. It really tapped into the classic Orwellian dystopia quite effectively.

Your use of symbolism was quite advanced (given what I'm used to seeing on this site) and brings to mind William Golding's "Lord of The Flies." Your use of blue and red worked on more levels than many may realize. There's the obvious Republican/Democrat angle, but the fact that the blues represent a visible minority at the same time is an excellent comment on Bush's policies regarding minorities.

Overall this was an excellent piece of symbolic, quasi-parody on our society. Bravo!


Im quite scared of the usa realy....(I was before but im bit more scared now i know i am not subbosto belvie in flashes i see but in the realy life i a worryed about america and "US"