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Reviews for "counting bodies/neocon"


That was a cute movie lol

close to what they are trying to do

I agree with some of what ximpyx said but the government is trying to change us into good lap dogs not a free-minded soctiey.


it's all too unfortunate that this will be the reality in the future, and you f***ing yanks voted for it. believe me i'll be the first to drive a truck of nitro glycerine into your army base if you even think of taking over Canada.

There's something about this...

I mean besides the fact that it's an obvious statement that most people in first year Philosophy propaganda classes are forced to make... I'll talk about that after I get the formalities out of the way.

Your Video sync to the music was superb, and the graphics we ok. (they left something to be desired though... I'm not a fan of tweens for human movement, although you did do a good job with it.) I love APC, and it did heighten the mood, but I was more impressed with the sincing than the choice of song. there...

1984 was book to defy Aldous Huxley's "Brave new world". Orwell thought that Huxley was dead wrong in his belief of a future vision, and so he decided to make a guess, that by 1984, there would be odd similarities to this book. (and judging by how closely you followed it this movie too) It is important to note that just because GWB is fighting a "Faux War" it does not mean that he's going to open up re-education centers. And I don't know how the poor came into this conversation, or how you live in a corperate America... but those are totally different subjects.

In my opinion, 1984 was totally off. I can't deny the fact that some similarities do arise, but I can tell you that they sure don't meet the level of control that Orwell (the sicko he was) dreamed up. In fact, I'd put more money into the world becoming more like "Brave New World" if not slightly somewhere between the two. The reason? People who are being oppressed retaliate. It's human nature. Unless you find an ultimate control factor, there WILL be a union somewhere that fights back. And in a society where people are watched day and night in their homes (and FORCED not to procreate for any other reason than reproduction...) You get a bunch of horny, paranoid, angry people who want a better life. "C'est la vie"

I strongly suggest you try and sit through reading Brave New World (I admit it's a tough read) but besides the whole After Ford business, it's a more accurate portrayal of what will happen... because believe it or not, Soma is here... It's called Prozak.



I love A Perfect Cirlce and thier new album is really awesome.. However, I think you are missing the point of the album. They aren't making fun of Bush, Republicans, and America. They are simply saying that war in general is bad and everyone is to blame for that. It's an anti-war album not an anti-Bush album. It was nice of someone to try to put A Perfect Circle into a flash (I've been waiting) but you could've gotten their message across a lot better if you werent a libral moron and just listened to what they were trying to say. Other than I was able to at least minimize the screen and listen to the song so I guess I had a brief moment of enjoyment without having to get up and grab my CD out of my room.