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Reviews for "counting bodies/neocon"


i like how you added the quote from the book "war is peace, freedom is slavery," i also like how you adapted the sense of non-individualism from the future like in the book to present day, now if anyone would do dante's inferno then i would be a happy guy.

I can see where your comming from

I understand you P.O.V on this, about how things get worse every day. We have a democratic system yet we still see america doing what they want, and the rest of us watching from a distance...But I think theres still hope, right now things are getting worse each day, but they arent too bad yet. We say we need peace, and that the only way to get peace is to kill those who apose or have different ideas than us. The world is Ying and Yang...a constant battle of good vs. Evil, the only thing is that the good will hesitate and the evil wont.


now thats a flash! i thourougly enjoyed that, it was one of the most atmospheric pieces i have seen to date, the music was fab, everything looked amazing and you kept the same dark and grungy feel throughout. I am not bothered by the message though i do believe it puts a very importnat point through. I cant think of anyway to improve it, bloody fantastic, keep up the good work.


While I most certainly dont agree with everything said in that, it was VERY well done. I enjoyed the whole thing, and the music just made it better. Good choice. I get what you were trying to say in it, but I think you were a bit too.. constant and somewhat overbearing on the issues. I most certainly wont argue the whole flash, but as a future note, a mix of in your face and subtlety are definitely the best ways to get opinions across. This felt very shoved down the viewers throat in some areas, whereas if you laid off a bit and didnt keep it so blunt it wouldnt have had the same effect and caused me to disassociate with it a bit.

It still was a great flash though. Gets a 5 from me and I definitely didnt agree with everything in it. :D Good work.

Quite interesting

All of the ideas that are represented in this animation are indeed interesting if you look at them as for a reason to rethink ur opinions of the Us rather than (and as metaphoric as it can be) a portray of the real truth hidden deep behind the curtains of a velvet night.

The main problem is that by making easy and excessive analogies, you go directly against what you deplore and rose up against at the first place.
It's still very good in my opinion though.

As for the artistic part, some sceneries lack a few colors and polished drawing.

It really remembered me 1984 of Orwell.