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Reviews for "Tinman"

Not my personal favorite

Eh I didn't really like it that much. it was pretty and the graphics and animaton were nice but the story, what was there was boring and sadish. I like funny movies more than depressing ones. Keep trying though. Maybe next time just don't use such a slow slow song and maybe add humor with it ok?

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Yeah, I'm sure sooner or later I'll get around to making something not so depressing... not right away though.

Thanks for reviewing!

That was pretty sad

I didn't know I could feel sorry for a robot. I think the flashes weakness was its ambiguousness. It didn't really explain why we should care. It was only obvious that we should for some reason.

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Hmmm... well, it's hard to know why anyone should care about anything really, right?
I mean, I have no idea why I like the things I do and am totally disinterested by a lot of things that many people care a great deal about...
Why should we care?
...why not?

Thanks for reviewing. :)

Thumbs Down

No humor.
No violence.
No interactivity.
Just some person's feeble attempt at "touching" someone.

What I am trying to say is...
I don't like Dashboard Confessional, ergo I don't like this flash movie.

Thanks anyways.

BlackmarketKraig responds:

No, there is no violence, no humor and no interactivity. But lacking any or all of those things does not necessarily make for a bad flash. I mean I understand not liking this, but please offer a valid reason. Many movies in the top 50 on this site lack those things.

..and I have no idea what not liking Dashboard Confessional has to do with anything. There is no Dashboard Confessional music, the music it does have sounds nothing like Dashboard Confessional. I'm afraid I don't quite follow. Unless you are using the example of Dashboard Confessional as a way of pidgeonholing anything that has to do with emotion...

Thanks for reviewing.

Wait a Second...

If the robot really had no emotions it wouldn't care about its lack of emotions or even try to have emotions. Its only the presence of emotions in people that makes them care about the fact that they have emotions. This caring is an emotion itself, IMHO.

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Hmmm... you do make a fine point and the single most common issue that people seem to have with this piece is that they feel that the robot is exhibiting emotion in either his desire to obtain emotion or the sadness he seems to exhibit.

I never meant this to be a logical examination of potential robotic behavior if there were such creatures capable of independant thought and living without humans. But if it was would it be wrong to suggest that it might be difficult to predict what a robotic mind capable of such a life would be like?

Thanks for reviewing.

so thats what it ment when it flashed empty

credits explain it all but build a heart to rip it out and die just because he blinked

BlackmarketKraig responds:

Wait.. what? I'm not sure I follow what you are trying to say... sorry.

Thanks for reviewing anyway.