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Reviews for "VGDC survivor: ep. 1"

it was ok

But it didn't seem to have any connection to VGDC, are you just using the name to get attention?

Psycosis91 responds:

well, all the characters are from the fourms of VGDC, we voted and everyone thought that would be the best name for it


This was Alright...if u make it more funny with the rest of the parts it would be great flash! keep working on it bro


Mmmm... i think... is... seven!

It would be great if we can vote who leaves the island...

Sorry for my crappy english

not bad

the dialog boxes killed me, lucky for me the doctors brought me back after I flatlined so i could type this


Earthbound, I'll bet a buck you can't do better.
Not the best, work on the spelling, otherwise it's pretty good.