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Reviews for "TurboX DEMO"

well...it IS a demo

i'll take in consideration that this tiggy here is a demo
i do hope that in the final version well get opponents music, sound
oh and id suggest putting limits to the track, the idea of going out the track and losing sppe sonds kinda strange to me

and on this note i give it a 6!
outa 10

oOoDragonoOo responds:

Yes the final will have all of those, I didnt add in music because the artist that is writing it hasnt finished. The loosing speed is due to the fact that if you drive off the track you wont be able to catch up the the other cars witch are not finished yet.

with a little

more items tracks enemys and costumise options this can get good

oOoDragonoOo responds:

there will be more tracks and enemys. Im not sure what other items i could add, im open for suggestions and im thinking of more car costomizations.

:~> Cool

Nice for a demo. I'd like to point a few things you could consider working on:

1. Remove those circles from the corners of the screen. They make it hard to see.

2. Reduce the scale just a little bit to give us a more clear view of what's happening.

3. Add something so we can know if we're doing good or running terribly slow. For example, a comparison time in the end or something else. Just give us a clue of our progress.

Well... I just hope you won't submit a million demos to the portal. This time I didn't say anything, but there is a special area for previews called The Alphas Section. Use it, next time...

# Poirot #

oOoDragonoOo responds:

the other cars(when i finish codeing them) will be your comparison to how good your doing. and this will be my only demo submission. i wasnt aware of the alpha section.


I liked the game as a whole. Few things for improvement:
1) The walls donṫ stop me from driving straight through. I can just drive off the map if I feel like it.
2) When I press the tab button while playing, it interferes with the gameplay, because it selects the menu on the bottom right.

For the rest, I can see a nice coffeebreak sized game coming from this. Keep it up. :)

oOoDragonoOo responds:

the walls were disigned to slow you down so driving off would be anoying but i didnt think of driving off the edge.
and i have no idea why tab works the way it dose.


it was lovely and smooth i hope the final product has some good gameplay.