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Reviews for "Awkward Nature"

Haha :D!

That was great! Very good FBF-animation!

Keep up the good work, this rocks!

This Rawks

This is just cool, I thought everyone knew not to mess with squirls, they are vengefull bastards.

Keep em coming.

the racooness

man it was haluris when u trow the rock at the squrrile. u almost made the racoon almost a twin as the one in the game. lol he got hit by a rock!


this has some awsome animation and sound. if you wanted to you could make a really cool "serious" animation. i enjoyed this animation. i found it funny...what kind of squerrel throws a rock..hahah. anyways. keep up the good work. you are definantly one of my influenses on flash, though i really suck at it. i hope for you to submit more flash's. :o)

Falconer02 responds:

I sucked too at a time long ago. I only got better with practice. You will too! Just keep practicing. And yeah, I'm starting another project that's semi-serious about a robot. It'll take me awhile to do! Anyway, thanks for enjoying it!


Great animation dude! And this was halarious as well! XD Squirrles are definatly annoying. I have a feeling you had a bad experience with them in the past.