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Reviews for "NG TT Series Finale -A"

better then Finale-B!!!!

a little of the ultraviolent.
very grotesque, but bloody
satisfaction. i always marvel
at your awesome animation
skills and how much fluidity
the characters have on screen.
impressive animation, very
subperb action and violence.
i especially enjoyed the character
designs and the soft blended backgrounds,
where they done in photoshop maybe?
the facial expression and smooth framrate
make this the top notch in quality flash
cartoons, wish i can say the most for others
on this site.
dear god...that has to be the the
damn finest animation i have ever
seen. when there hasnt been a pico
sequel release in years, this is an awesome
tribute. though the two previous entries
werent too shabby themselves, i got to
admit that i enjoy this entry the most in
terms of style, the other two just had
incoherent violence...well...this did too,
but how can you not resist the gorgeous
eye candy accompanied with the cast of pico.
i envy it with a passion :P
well...i like the concept, funny
there was a digital survialence
camera and machine gun turret
built in the aztec looking temple.
i dont think indian jones could of
handled that booby trap. the visuals
werent that bad, but not as good of
a quality as the last 3 entries, also
the character design could of been
creative, nice job regardlessly.
this was what most flash
cartoons should be and the
amount of effort you guys
put into your cartoons truely
shows off, good stuff!

brings a warm fuzzt feeling to your heart..

nothing like some good old violence. good job yall


I have never seen any thing like theys flashes i liked all of them except 1 Afro-NInja it was to childish all the others i like i mor of a morbid bold and goar kind of person i like a calm flash every once and a wile but enof about me im looking ford to seeing alot mor flashes frome -SQEEZY- and Weirdo9 keep up the good work o and Luis.

Kick ass!

Great flashes guys! I love 3 out of 4 of 'em! I say this because the flash by Squezzy disturbed me a bit...But it was still good! I hope I can see more of Luis, Weirdo_9, and Afro-Ninja very soon!

Oh and to the previuos reviewer, I believe you're overthinking these flashes dear. ^~

Your fan forever,

I can't

It's kinda sad that in 3/4 of these movies, there is gratuitous violence against women. I could understand maybe 1 movie... but 3? Says something about society... doesn't it?