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Reviews for "Quantum Foam"

No, killiering. Not true. (see previous review.)

No, You are incorrect. Schrodinger's cat was basicly a thearoy that if a cat was put inside a box, And exposed to radiation, That untill the cat was witnessed, it would be in a state of being both dead and alive, That the reality of it being one or the other was false untill someone saw it. That reality it'self is fractured in nature, and splits and goes every different way with every unwittnessed desicion of you and your fellow man, That there are many universes out there, That by killing the cat he is creating a new reality and a new deminsion, and by opening the box he is traveling into one or the other of those deminsion.

Nerve gas. Pssh. Stfu noob.

not bad but

schrodingers cat was a theroy that said if a cat was put in a box with a nerve gas canester you could not know if it was dead unless you opened the box

to many of these games are popping up at portal this one is not bad graphics wise but there is no level system and no motovation (i.e. no way to buy stuff with your points at the end of each level and no boss)

excellent work my friend

Nice work. This is a fun little game you made. I always pictured Schrodinger's Cat as more of a tabby, but that's just me. I can't wait to see more from you.

great game

thats a great game quite fun but you need to get the high score page up ( scoring 22753 my self) dame cat gets a little big buts its funny


its like too easy, mi first try i got 16000k... and whats tha slow thisn and the bar.