That was one pimping game!!!! I liked every part of it. It even stumped me on the differnt font thing. A lot of people thought that that part was stupid, but I thought that it was great! Nicey done. And a lot of retards couldn't figure out that the 4th button on the radio was the "off" button. I also liked the false lids, that was sweet! The 9 chip was a bit hard. Mabye you should have marked something. Oh well. ______________________________ ____________P.S. For you other people, the "0" chip is under the dresser, the "1" chip is in the bottom drawer. The "2" chip is under the pillow. The "3" chip is under the false lid of the trash can (use a dagger on it). The "4" chip is under the left side of the bed. The "5" and "7" chips are in the trash. The "6" chip is behind the curtins. The "8" chip is in the top drawer (the key to it is under the false lid of the trash can). and the "9" chip is under the right side of the bed. At the bottom of the trash can (under the false lid). There are five symbols. Go to Any word program and type in 1234567890. Then change the font to "Wingding". Match the symbols in the trash, up with the symbols on the program. w/e order there in, that's the code.-------------- The code is "39051". Then there is some key in it that does nothing. Crack the false lid in the chest with the dagger. Take the axe and use it on the door to take it down. Then "You Win"!!!!--------!@#$%^&*OR!! Or you can just right click, then click "Play" on the pull down menu to instanly win! -Thank you - Thank you Oh yeah, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!