Coulda Been better
Essentially, a good idea, Somethings just need a bit of work. Somethings were just stupid. It seems to lack timing.
Coulda Been better
Essentially, a good idea, Somethings just need a bit of work. Somethings were just stupid. It seems to lack timing.
ah... i see... no sense of humor in ya eh? all-be-it i have the Napoleon Dynamite sense of humor. And being stupid is the point in a way actually.
Greatestest MSG Spoof on NG
very funny. did you do the voices by yourself? anyway overall good movie
LA LE LO LA!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was one hilarious movie. For people who gave a zero and said stuff about stop making fun of snake! He's cool!. Here is my response... It's snake's father!!!!! jajajajjajajajajjajajaj. Anyways really hilarious movies and 2 thumbs up!
LOL! thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Limited Edition Crystal Xbox:P 5\/\/337 3|-|? nice...
This was an EXCELLENT flash! Just hilarious, amazing, great. Wow. :] I love how you twisted Snake around! Please make some episodes of this!!!! ^-^
Pretty damn funny
Funny because if there was ever a movie he would be in it. keep up the good work