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Reviews for "You are dreaming."


Very unlike some of the other animations I've seen from you--I admit I found the previous ones somewhat funny but I can definitely appreciate work of this depth and sophistication much more. The imagery you used was gorgeous--a woman's hands bent into the shape of a heart, a triangle (third eye?) in the center of a man's forehead...everything in this flash, from the music to your words to the meaning were all so connected and stimulating. I find dreams fascinating, though I can't quite appreciate them very much due to a severe sleep disorder. I would assume you're interested in white light sort of religions and the chakra, etc? I read a series of books by Carlos Castaneda several years ago--you may have read them, but if you haven't, you should--called the Art of Dreaming. At the time, I thought they were absolutely incredible (I haven't re-read them, so I assume they still are). The idea that you've existed in other forms is fascinating; the notion of reincarnation tends to be. By nature, I tend to be slightly skeptical, but if you're being serious about your recollection (and I like to think you are) I think you're amazing. I find it hard enough to be lucid in my waking (but maybe I'm not quite awake at this point, right? Maybe I'm not writing this at all and you'll never read this?) life let alone the short spurts of (often medicated) sleep I get in every now and then just to sustain myself...Anyway, yeah. Beautiful artwork. Although the meaning definitely held something more substantial than most of the flash on this site, it was the artwork (particularly of the nightmares) that I found compelling. This must a have taken (I can only image) a ton of work, but I would like it very much if you made more.

PureCarnage responds:

Sorry to hear about the sleeping disorder, there is an institute called the Monroe Institute that has some interesting research into all of this and they offer up some tools that might help. You should check them out at:


A good group of researches and they have things for sleep disorders.

As for this piece, it's serious and I mean what I say. I do remeber existing before this life. That's something I have known since I started it... a 32 I have no doubt.

Other then that, I hope to help people with this, I would feel less of myself if I didn't share in the reality of the dream phenomena with people who like my work.

And my other stuff is just simply meant to be fucked up. This isn't.


Extreme Existentialism or 'I think therefore you are.'

Heavy duuuude.

/sarcasm off

Nice sketches and drawings though.

PureCarnage responds:

Thanks, glad you liked the art.


So are you just part of my dream? If I'm god, I'm willing you out of existence right now... Did it work? You're at a philosophical and intellectual dead end. Try again.

PureCarnage responds:

There is a lot you need to learn about the dream and the dreamer. But to answer your question, I am a part of your dream as you are a part of mine.

We share an objective dream that we call this Universe and all of us contribute to its creation.

so true...

you have changed the way I look at life. Once I saw a plane crash in my dream and it happened. I was shocked when I saw the news that day.

PureCarnage responds:

It's funny, as you begin to remeber who you are within the illusions of creature development, how obvious the truth always was.

One thing about the truth, it is always present, always in front of us. It is up to us if we can see it or realize it.

I hope it's a good change.

I absolutely love this.

I too have had both lucid dream and many precognitative dreams. It was a scart concept for me at first but as I grew to understand it I also grew to love it. I truely love this work done by you, as well as the stuff at the end of this flash animation. Well done, I salute you on a job well done and to help me realize more about my dreaming experience.

PureCarnage responds:

Thanks Tactico,

I am glad because between you and TheBlueOrange, in two posts you both validate what this Flash is for, and who it is for.

I care for everyone who lives, but care not if they dismiss the reality of their dreams. It is those who already know what I know, and know because they have lived it... that we can share in this truth and evolve.

I kid but I would like to think I am like Professor Xavier and I'm starting a school for the gifted. Wait for my update, I will share some phenomenology where I have changed the dreams that come true, to observe the changes here.