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Reviews for "The War on Terror"


I have only one word to describe this movie: wow.
good idea, and very strong view point. Good work


i can't give it a high score because it was basically just a power point presentation, but i did like it. Fuck the republicans are gonna be bitchin' at you, but as an anarchist i felt you portrayed on the war very well. I agree with your opinions about the war, especially the part where you state that if we stop killing them, they will stop killing us; but, being the fascist country that we are, we have to sieze every oppurtunity we can get to invade other countries.

The reason for this is to divert our attention away from the misery and repression in our own lives. Too bad we can't just do what you say about the war over in Iraq, and fucking leave. After we live we can continue the real war. The war against our government and its "democracy"; and against capitalism and its exploitation.

MY theory...

This was nothing more than some text slapped together...i am not judging on your opinions at all...but it does prove my theory that if you have great music and appeal to the emotions of ppl...no matter how lacking your style/content is...you make it through


I never really believed in the war, not because i'm a hippie but because i just don't like George Bush in general. It is true too, even here in Australia we feel to impacts of such a great and powerful movement as this and it is one that like centuries before has led to hate and violence. This is a repeat of the white take-over over Australia. Thousands of Aboriginals were killed, mean women and children. All because the whites thought of them as pests. It is incidents like these that change who we are and i believe that this is a strong message that all people should understand, even the gun toting hillbillies of America and the puppet of Bush known as John Howard.

I applaud your conviction...

As a piece of flash art, it's lacking, but you say what you want to say, and you say it fairly well.

People who nitpick the numbers fail to grasp the point: We've killed a lot of Iraqi's on the president's sayso. To say that it's not the president's war, as some people have said during reviews of this piece, is foolish. Bush wanted to invade Iraq for his own personal goals, not because of terrorism. His daddy didn't get to finish what he started there, but his kid's a little unhinged.

This is my conclusion, not the medias.

Then again, my theories include Bush ordering 9/11 to occur. I think this because his family had business relations with the Bin Ladens well before then. Not to mention that Osama came out of hiding just before the election, which spurred some people I know to go to the polls and vote against Kerry.

In my opinion, the most dangerous terrorist ever born is George W Bush. The greatest threat this nation has ever known is known jokingly as "Dubya", and this nation made a grave, potentially fatal error by giving him another 4 years to ruin us in the eyes of the world. We've proven our critics right: America is ruled by a group of bible thumping, gun-toting hicks who believe they're above the rest of the world.

An Iraqi life is worth no less than an American life, and America is a part of this world. I only hope that more people will realize this in the near future, before it's too late.