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Reviews for "Stick Dude Killing Arena"

Remind you of summin?

Alot like the battle field but has far better sound FX...
Its a shame that the stage doesn't get destroyed thou because that was my favorate part. nice work and i hope to hear more of your SFX =3

i love jour movies

but i wonder how jou didi that explosion its hard for me to make ig

KICK ASS!!!111!!!1!!111

dude that was friggen awesome i liked teh bazooka part"SUCK ON THIS!!!" BOOM!u shud make this with like eras of weapons like ww2 veitnam civil war and the dark ages lawl

awesome movie checking out the second one

It maked me laught a bit...

WOW awesome create more and more and more and u will be pro of stick movies
P.S. where did u get those sounds??please write me HTML its very cool i creating a movie of sticks kiling arena too so i need em pls write!

o crap *BOOOOM*

vary gud and funny