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Reviews for "Memory"

I really liked this

I mean, the animation wasn't superb or anything, but just the style and way it was all put together was really amazing.

Great Flash, I'm making it a favorite.

Xenosteel responds:

thanks a real lot for the review and making this flash a favorite :)

It didnt seem to have any point


Xenosteel responds:

actually your response wasn't random at all

anyway thanks for the review


among other things, that language on the pages was the Imperial Galactic Code from Star Wars.

Xenosteel responds:

yep, although I'm not a star wars fan, I just thought the font was cool, haha

thanks for the review!


To seizure dog, i couldn't have said it perfect. that was a great review you wrote :)

Xenosteel responds:

indeed, I'd have to say 'wow' as well :o)

OMG, I broke the character limit in this review

So I had to shorten it :P

That was one deep piece of work. Quite refreshing as there are not many movies that dare to delve as far down to touch such abstract ideas such as this the ones found in this movie.

Anyways, you asked for a review, and I'm going to give you an essay. ;) Here we go, a flow of my thoughts as I watch the movie. Enjoy.

At the very being I was surprised to be hearing a different language being spoken. While this could be a hindrance, it is not at all in this movie. On the contrary, it gives a sense of mystery to it. Which is good as it fits into what this is aiming for. The voice itself is also very soothing. You have a very nice voice Xenosteel.

The use of descriptive details is simply amazing. It's like something I'd expect to read in a great novel. The line about how the intense focus on the book causing every thing else to dim I thought was particularly excellent word usage. I’d like to see you wrote a short story sometime. (and if you have already, I’d like to read it)

I was able to recognize that the song playing was from LOTR :P Such a nerd I am. Thinking was confirmed at the end when I checked the credits.

The sudden high pitched noise was enough to make me jump back and wince, and while the sudden noise trick is overdone, there aren't many other ways to scare someone, and it was expertly done so I'm not angry about it in the least.

When I saw the red dot on the white background my first thought was of Japan. Obviously, it was just coincidence that it looked exactly like the Japanese flag, but that is interesting all the same.

The evil eye makes me again think of LOTR as it looks like the eye of Sauron. (considering the music was just playing this isn't such a surprise)

A smoother looking font would have been nice instead of the pixilated one that you choice. What is that btw? It looks like a variation on windings.

The first shot of the boy I felt was a big deviation from the rest of the movie in terms of graphical style. But a minor detail and easily forgiven. Still well drawn at least, so no bad art popping up. And at least it keep that style throughout the entire flashback.

The shadows walking in front of the boy in that one scene are rather chubby looking though. Better drawing of them would have been nice. But again, minor detail.

Nice use of blur. Been seeing a lot of that in the higher quality movies.

The weird arm/tentacle was a point were the movie started getting quite weird. Very stylish looking, and sinister at the same time.

Ok, now its times to prepare yourself for.....SUPER INTERPRETATION TIME!
Yeah, perhaps I am looking too much into this, but is always fun finding meaning in things, even when no meaning exists.

The saw I see as a metaphor for insanity. Its teeth constantly sawing back and forth, weakening and damaging the brain to the point were it snaps, and fully goes crazy.

The endless hallway I see as a metaphor for confusion and panic. You keep running down the hallway trying to find the end (the answer, but all of your running (thinking) seems to be getting you no where, and you get more frantic in your search desperately trying to find an end to the madness. And as the insanity wears more and more upon you, thinks begin getting less and less clear, up to the point where everything goes dark (the point that madness has taken full reign).

Of course, again with the high pitched noise, and again with the wincing. This could represent his final death. The white tinted man being the doctor that was practicing on him (to try and save him from the mental condition he had, the insanity being a side product of such) and the noise being the flat line as his heart finally stops. This also explains why his eyes close at this point.

Anyways, an excellent piece of flash. And one of the most thought provoking movies I have seen in all of my time here. A classic for sure, I hope to see this on the front page.

Xenosteel responds:

Ah the voice indeed gave a touch of “mystery” you captured that perfectly! But that one was done by my friend Magik_Mush and I’ll say that he did one mighty good job :)

Oh wow I did write my first short story when I was pretty young, I think it was like, 4,000 words long (not much, I know) and I actually made two parts for it, but its, erm, so VERY filled with emotion, in a strange way that I’m embarrassed to let anyone read! But, hmmm, I might do it since you asked for it, though it is quite dull and cheesy.. Check out R_A_G_E (if you haven’t already)

Hehe the sudden pitch noise was a thing, and if you analyze it carefully you’ll notice that it fades out of the right speaker before it does to the left speaker, and its sort of what happens when the human ears start to do it, the sound stays longer in the left ear. Let’s hope nobodies speakers get hurt by the high pitch though :P

Haha you and my friend said the same thing “Oh look it’s the Japanese flag” I burst into laughter when I first heard that!

The font is, uh, some Star Wars galactic font I found on some site, it was pretty cool so I thought ‘why the heck not use it’ :P Its not actually pixilated but that happened because I wrote the words in Photoshop and saved them as a PNG, just in case because I wasn’t sure flash could include the font and that it would be displayed correctly by all viewers.

Oh wow you really have good eyes to notice even the walking shadows! Hah Its true they weren’t the best and they were quite ‘chubby’ hahah!

Oh wow okay now I’m quite speechless on this part of your review, it is truly a ‘super interpretation’ and its amazing!!! Too amazing for words, wow, you are making me think now because you have said things that never hit my head, in fact, its more like an interpretation of myself!! Wow, are you a psychologist?

I thank you very very much for the amazing review! You said such touching and meaningful words, I am really speechless, this is one review I’ll never forget!!