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Reviews for "Wolfen"

Overall: Enjoyable

It was very short and started off real slow. It never really picked up until the very ending.

Your animation is VERY good. I love your style and technique. I like how you portrayed the song. The animations did go well with the audio. However, it was quite short and did bore me a little.

The only thing keeping me watching was your eye pleasing graphics. And the fact that vampires are always cool.

I read your commentary and i understand you did it just to keep busy until your next big flash. So i am not going to critisize you for trying to practice up and brush up your skills. I like a person who is always trying to improve themselves.

So, although it was short, and the only storyline to it was the audio. It was very good flash. And i did enjoy watching it. Your animation is unique and quite good. I cannot wait to see Faust!

Good Luck.

NG Critic Rating
Introduction: 7.9
Impression: 7.9
Style(Graphics): 9.9
Movement: 8.5
Audio: 7.9
Emotion: 6.9
Originality: 8.9
Focus: 8.9
Personal Enjoyment: 7.9

Overall: 8.4
Rating: 4

K. Myst Williams

Great Man

Hey Zebu. Loved the animation. I would love it if you get around to finishing it completley sometime.


that was amazing!

the animation was out of this world! who cares if u didn't translate the song rite, the rest of the flash cancels all of that out! Great Work! XD


only one word can descibe what i thought of this...WOW!


dude thats just awesome i know yall worked hard on that and i know that it takes real tallent and just good job.