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Reviews for "Yoshi's Minigames"


Great work, but Yoshi needs to be faster and/or have a longer tongue. Too freaking easy to DIIIEEE.
I like it.

Zen1th responds:

Every game need practice and practice makes perfect. Just try another few times you'll get used to the speed :)


It was decent, but you could have added more games with more variety. The graphics were ok, but yoshi looked a bit funny. The music was good but got very annoying after a while, good thing there was a toggle option! Overall, well done but think about these points next time.

Zen1th responds:

yes thank you. Maybe there will be a second version containing a larger game. These were just minigames based on the same concept but if we find the time and the inspiration to create a big game we'll certainly think about it.


no not rely
all it is the some thing over and over again
not relly a game
and seriously the yoshi noises


The games ae mostly the same though the Dinner time was much funner.

If your a fan...

It's a decent game, but I think it appears to be more for the people who really like Yoshi. Another thing is that the yoshis move way to slow, and that results in a lot of eggs breaking/ losing a lot of foodstuffs to eat.