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Reviews for "The Menstrual Avenger"


This was pretty funny, but it was really nasty!

That is Just sick

That's not even funny, it almost made me want to vomit, who in their right minds would find a stream of blood shooting out of a woman's vagina funny?

I just figured out her REAL superpower...

In less than 5 seconds, the Menstrual Avenger made me lose interest in watching her movie and turn my attention to some rerun of David Letterman. Thank you Menstrual Avenger for sparing me the agony of watching your horrible movie!

Go tampon, go tampon, go!

"Let's get this over with. You're giving me cramps!"

Classic line. In all seriousness, this was one of the sickest things I've seen. Nice job. I would have rated the sound higher, but the voices were poorly dubbed in places.

The humor, while crude and excessive at times, was appropriate for ragging (no pun intended) on PMS. Just be warned, fair animator… you may have aroused anger in the female population. Watch your door for a real-life Menstrual Avenger.

Ok That Wuz Kinda Nasty!

Ok dude lay off the blood spurting out of the crouch area! I mean dude some stuff is preety funny but that it was just alittle over board...Im a chick myself and I don't appreciate the PMS days of a woman being played out like that. It was kinda just,sick.Alittle sick for even my humor!