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Reviews for "Blinded by my purity"

Reminds me of a Witch from left for dead lol; great art though.

First of all i love the feeling of this art, i love drawing pain and suffer lol

I dont know if u do but i hate when people just says "hey looks like X character from X series!" I dont know i think it just blows the originality away... Maybe im not that original hehehe anyway I like very much the colors and proportions, and absolutely love the frame (im not sure if thats what i mean, i mean the rectangle surrounding the piece), it gives the art more context

Sorry about my english, Im spanish. Greetings and keep it up!

Beautiful and painful to look at, bloody sweet.

this reminds me of a certain Pokemon... hehehe

I don't quite know what to make of this. The artwork is fantastic, the strokes are brilliant, shading is superb. What I do not understand is what the message is in this. What do you intend to tell us with this? Is it merely about pain? Is it the pureness of the pain? I'm trying to understand you by understanding this piece, and so far i cannot.

Overall its a very wonderful piece, a bit scary but good. I give it 4.5 stars.