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Reviews for "human marine"

@ Salmarnez, You're right! I got freaking excited for that game too :'I

Anyways, Great art. Love the style, and the lighting is awesome.

I really like the choosing of colours! They make it more misteriuos...
Only one thing... how he can see?? :P

Reminds me a bit of a splice between Commander Shepard and a husk from Mass Effect, never the less though itâEUTMs still a very cool concept .

COOL WOW 5/5!!! RATE!!

Looks like the marine from the game "Tiberium", the game never actually came out so I really wouldn't expect many people to recognise it. You can still see the trailers on youtube though, it was part of the command an conquer series or woulds have been at least. Anyways really like the picture its awesome!