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Reviews for "Kazmo - Urban Train Core RMX"

3xOsc wins!

I'll just go into detail here.
The introduction starts of very nicely fast walking bass. The kick that enters soon afterwards is pretty nice. It's rather overpowering though at first, but you get used to it. The piano is nice. I know you tried to keep it from sounding FL Key'ish. And you did a good job. Personally I could tell that it was FL Keys still, but that's probably because I have a sharp ear for piano. :3 Great job though.
Personally I find this song rather repetitive, but that goes for the Tiesto songs. They sound great, yet they're repetitive as hell. At least the ones that I heard.
Anyways, great job! I hope you win the Core contest! Moreso than my piece.

-HFX ^_^
P.S. Check out my piece. I'm plugging your song for you. ^_~

Kazmo responds:

3xOsc DOES win! :D

Yay, detail. xD

Ya, damn FL Keys, I hate em since I was told about 4Front Piano Module lol.

It is repetitive, yet so is the original, and a bunch of other remixes, so it's hard to make a repetitive song non-repetitive, although the opposite is a lot easier to do. :]


I'll check out your song and leave a review. :]

Thanks for the review!!! <3


This is a great song man. Loved the tune.
I'm pretty jealous that you can get such good sounds out of the FL Presets. That takes skill.

How did you make such a good kick??? haha it's amazing.

The piano is Epic and fits perfectly with the rest of the song.

Keep up the great work.
5/5, 9/10


Kazmo responds:

Thanks I'm glad you liked it!

I actually didn't use any presets, I make my own. :]

That kick has a low cut, lowered mids, and a high cut, and is compressed to the max.

I like the piano too. :3

Thanks for the review and support!!!

Not bad.

The chorus just seemed a little empty, like it was lacking some bass or something. Other than that awesome song!!!


Kazmo responds:

Thanks for the review! I'll be sure to check out the bass. :D


Well, no way in hell this is mixed as expertley as tiesto does, it needs more dimmensions for that to happen. However, it still is a great song. Nice dedicated remix. Long live tiesto man. Respect.