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Reviews for "Kazmo - Urban Train Core RMX"

Amazing man

No offense to any1 else in the contest but i think this will win.

"I'm not that of a fan of Tiesto, I like some of his works though, like:
He's a pirate
Adagio for strings
and some songs I cant remember." - Krussi

He took the words right out of my mouth.

5/5 10/10
u dont cease to amaze me with ur music.

Kazmo responds:

Thanks. :D

winrar? xD

Thanks again for the review and support!!!


Man, this is nicely mixed!
I like the low end of ur kick & bass
Also, nice leads, i luv 'em!
Keep it up


Kazmo responds:

ow?? nah, no pain rofl

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the review and support! :D


I am not much of a progressive fan ( If you listen to my music you should be able to tell). But there are some I like and this is one of them I like how the song slows right down around 1:27 with the cool piano ( maybe make the piano melody a bit more complex )

Nice work one the drums ( awesome job considering they are Fl Stock )

You should send the .FLP to Image line. Its good enough to be used as a fl Demo song!!!

I like the cool little break thing at 3:38

Anyways overall nice work!

Have A Great Day!

XenoxX :)

Kazmo responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it even if progressive isn't your favourite sub-genre. :]

I'll look into expanding the piano melody!! It's quite a great idea.

I think the drums turned out nicely too! :3

I'll see what I can do about sending this to Image-Line. That'd be WICKED!!!1!

The break at 3:28 is indeed cool. :P

You too! Thanks for the review and advice!!!


Im A Big Fan Of Your Worrk!!!
I Like The Music You Make!!
10/10 5/5

Kazmo responds:

Thanks for the support man!

Holy damn.

It's amazing to hear what you came up with only using FL core sounds. As a general rule, I tend to dislike Tiesto a lot and go on rants about his music. Out of all his albums, I like three tracks. But...with this track? I'm really impressed. I almost forgot it was Tiesto because I was so caught up going "...Kazmo made this using FL core sounds. WHAT." And it takes skill for a remix to make the listener forget about the original composer. ;)

(Oh, and I'll get on that Still Alive rerecord after I finish some schoolwork. I heard the WIP2 you were doing and went "gaaack!" at how different my voice sounded. Each part was recorded at a different stage of my illness (the chorus re-do was done when my higher register was pretty dead), but I'm well and my voice is back now, so I can probably record it all in one sitting either later tonight or tomorrow.)

Keep up the good work. Cheers! :D

Kazmo responds:

Holy damn? That's a first for me. :P

I surprise even myself sometimes! You hate Tiesto? I had no idea!!! I look up to the guy to be honest, but I definitely don't want to be him. :D

Yay you forgot who the original artist was while listening! I'm glad I did that to you ahahah. :3

Thanks for the review! Hope to do more collabs with you. <3

(It's good to hear you'll crack down on the vocals, school is first mind you. Ya, huge difference in vocal quality, I'm guessing you heard that...xD A timeline of your illness you may say. Yay I'm glad you're better!!! Looking forward to the rerecording!)