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Reviews for "Dawn of the Dead in Milto"

Total Crap.

Look, I'm that this wasn't easy to make but it was terrible. You really need to learn to lay off the video games and anime.

You've wasted 5 minutes of my life and you butchered a good movie.

Thanks alot.


my weenier itches, you my home boy. wagaam keep it real g dog fo sho. bean burrito...




That was by far the worst thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Here's a hint, learn to write a script! And learn how to animate too becasue your hentai gothy wannabee style is just sickening to look at. Also, if you ar going to do a Flash movie, how about some comedy? Because I didn't laugh one bit while watching this shit fest. I didin't even SMILE! All it was was you and your group of unpopular friends trying to be cool in a fake Flash Zombie movie killing off Mario. Puh-leese! Could something be as pathetic as that? No! You just killed three minutes of my life, if not more, you sick bastard!

And that guy who drank Red Bull, tell him to stop being such a stupid poser, both in real life and in this crappy animation! Christ, this was like watching Kermit Kombat!

r u even fuckin trying or r u on crack?

well i dont think u'd see that much anime bullshit in japan i swear 2 god i have 2 do constructive critisism so take out all that anime cuz lol no1 like anime and i have a wierd feeling ur gonna write me back so b4 u even think about it.....suck a dildo.oh ya and last time i checked people arnt bright red or green or purple not even if ur on crack i mean wtf?hmmm ya i think thats all i got left.....no-no also plz if ur gonna say dawn of the dead in "milto"(where the fuck is milto!?!,some gay little zelda place?)at least put somthing involved with uh DAWN OF THE DEAD! u did at the beginning but kinda trailed off into your anime worldbullshit that only a dumass would think up.....ya thats about it.again, suck on a dildo u dumb ass emo ass tart. lol ah that was fun