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Reviews for "War."


You have well summerized human being. Great.


My motivation level has just droped to a negative integer somewhere in the millions. How this has such a high score i do not know. you people sicken me.

Good god..

If i never hear that song again as long as i live i shall die a happy man


nr1, it felt like watching Nazi propagandy, i hate this flash

nr2, that was the most boring piece of shit i ever have seen

U know....

I find your work a complete mystery Heretik. I really dont know what to think of you as an artist. When i saw this flash for the first time, i must say i was completely unimpressed by it. Simple drawings, simple concept, undetailed and this with only using 2 colours.

But that is exactley where the power of the flash lies. To show us how simple and childish war really is. Its very true, but as a flash i still feel there is something missing.

When i look at your other work it gets even more interesting. Your flash dependance was simply awesome, without a doubt. The same goes for the Nihil trailer. It seems like you really put time in those projects and the atmosphere and style is simply right. But when i see other work like 'the butterfly' and 'o fortuna' it is of such less quality. I dont know wether u are a great artist with your own unique visual style or if it all seems kinda the same to me.

Well that was all actually, i still really hope to see more from you in the future. Because wether i like your stuff at times or not, it is still highly original. And thats gotta count for something too right?
