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Reviews for "XIN Session 11"

Could be alot better

I'll condense what I've watched from this whole series into one review. The series is, simply, not what it could be. If in the hands of a REAL artist this sries could be good. Im glad to see you've tightened the dialogue, it's not so corny evne if it's ever so vaguely better. The graphics, are utter crap, I see no improvement without the whole series. You should really attempt some drawing tutorials because this is awful. It needs voicework, what I saw in the first few was surprisingly decent actually. Now,a compliment. I like your style, your directing is actually quite well choreographed. But the overall lack of talent you posess in illustrating and animating just brings down what could be a great series.

Hoensty hurts, doesnt it?



Got some potential with a little more effort

It started off looking okay, but the drawings went down-hill after that. I think if you spent more time putting eye-candy into it, you would of definately come out with something good.

Dialogue speech would get it looking more like Hollywood and additional SFX's will get the viewers emotions more stirred (I like the 'maths-problem' effect! ^^).
Apart from that, and why I rated so low: It really REALLY looks like a Naruto copy/spoof.

Putting aside everything else, good job! Art takes practice and I'm sure in a year, there'll be rockin' .swf put out by you guys!


I know I'll be pissing a-lot-o-people by saying this but I'm just going to be honest with you. Considering the amount of time it takes you to make each episode there isn't enough improvement to be satisfactory.Your fantasy world is too slow paced and lacks even the audio to be griping.It all feels a bit hackneyed.Theres raw potintial here but is currently unrealized.I'm guessing that the "Corpse Face" guy's face was drawn that way to have a certain inhuman effect but his eyes just make him look handicaped.Mentally.It needs to be taken up a step in all directions.

is it just me...

or does this remind anyone else of that movie X:1999. huh, im also pretty sick of all this classic japan-a-mation type shit. enough with the fucked up hair and the glossy eyes!