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Reviews for "Batman: Brutal"

Batman + Punisher with a dash of Bond...

Your version of batman is nothing more than a Batman who massacre's his enemies Punisher style. What you have done is taking what Batman is best known for, his stealth and mystery, and warped it into a mindless action flick.

The story was simple: Robbery, bat signal, Batman Kills enemies, Batman bangs Catwomen. During action sequences, all I could think of was Punisher in the Batman costume. And I will add a touch of Bond because of that last scene.

Putting aside the story, the movie was well animated. Those brief seconds of batman flying through the movie and eclipsing the moon really made me really appreciate the animation more. Those signature scenes is where most of the "style" resides.

The sound was well mixed and fit in place well.

Overall, this flick doesn't really fit Batman too well. Perhaps its best to continue a story like this with a Superhero creation of your own.

Batman>not portrayed well

Even if you meant to portray batman as a brutal death type of guy, hes not, but anyways i found some things that need to be fixed upon:
1. in the beginng was it my imagination or was batman flying? of course he has a hang glider but i didnt really get that picture there

2. synchronized gunshooting villians: needs work

3. bullet proof armor: even though its in a movie, not really his style: oh well its brutal right?

4. if you going to be brutal use the batmobile to just blow the jokers car away or something. that things packing heat

anyway the violence was well done to a degree. your stlye was ok.

Ok a few things:

Most people like Batman, because he is more human than most superheros and does not have a huge blood lust. I did think you did it justice because you showed Catwoman as his lover at the end (unlike in the new SUCKY Catwoman movie). You did have a few nice camera angles and decent animation. The voice over was all right, just try to show more emotion next time. Even though you did improve on the Bat some; just remember, don't show him reflecting bullets and don't make him kill people (except the Joker...he actually did that once).


Most of the stuff was pretty good. But, Batman was maybe too brutal. I think punching a bad guy is enough for Batman, but headbutting a dude with his bat-ears and running over a guy is a little much.

Other then that...It wasn't bad.


1) "no way in hell pig! "(thumbs up for anti-cop violence)
2) Some of batman's flipping and kicking is pretty well done
3) Catwoman ending was kind of funny
4) YOU DIDNT USE HEATH LEDGER JOKER!!!! (thank- GOD!! extra kudos!!)

1) He stabbed someone with his bat ears?? (kind of hillarious actually)
2) Did bullets bounce off his chest???????
3) Did you use SLIPKNOT as the background for a batman short?!?!?!? (throws up)

this is not one of the better batman parodies on newgrounds by any means. I love seeing batman content anyway though, and you did some really cool things with this one.
If you think batman is cooler now than "the last 10 years of cartoons on TV"... I hope its not because of the Christopher Nolan Movies... which is the worst thing thats happened to batman in the last 5 years...
For one, you should re-watch the animated series of the 90's... which is better than any movie. also check out the Arkham Asylum, and upcomming Arkham City videogames... which are the best thing that has happened to batman on a TV screen EVER...... but honestly I really recommend reading some of the comics, which is where he is in his best form. If you are interested in checking some comics out... maybe check out the "hush" storyline... or "batman RIP"... anyway... thanks for the contribution!! Happy bat-ing!!