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Reviews for "Ghostbusters: Episode 2"

its ok

i live with 2 ghosts 1 is called my brother and the other one knocks on my wall all the time , could u send the ghost-busters plz :D:p

Pretty good

Not the best thing I've ever seen, but the little kid died...I wish. Add a little more humor and you'll get a 10

Very Good

I feel satisfied after watching those episodes. Like finding something you've lost after so many years. Thank you for making this an enjoyable experience.

Booya grandma... booya...

Well you can ask any one of my friends and they'll tell you I'm nuts about Ghostbusters. I think you've got a great concept here and the animation isn't bad either.

I know you're goin for a cheesyness factor but just ripping off horror movies isn't doin much for me. I mean what's next? THE RING?

Seriously though, get some good writting on your side and you'll be playing with an unlicensed nuclear accellorator of unparalleled awesomeness!

-Hearts, stars and sparkly shit,

p.s. Check out the central Minnesota Ghostbusters' web page if you want to find someone nerdier than even I and a million times more pathetic.

that was cool

dude after the dude got sucked it looked like the vapor was giving them the finger.............nice