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Reviews for "Ghostbusters: Episode 2"

its ok

i live with 2 ghosts 1 is called my brother and the other one knocks on my wall all the time , could u send the ghost-busters plz :D:p

Pretty good

Not the best thing I've ever seen, but the little kid died...I wish. Add a little more humor and you'll get a 10

Booya grandma... booya...

Well you can ask any one of my friends and they'll tell you I'm nuts about Ghostbusters. I think you've got a great concept here and the animation isn't bad either.

I know you're goin for a cheesyness factor but just ripping off horror movies isn't doin much for me. I mean what's next? THE RING?

Seriously though, get some good writting on your side and you'll be playing with an unlicensed nuclear accellorator of unparalleled awesomeness!

-Hearts, stars and sparkly shit,

p.s. Check out the central Minnesota Ghostbusters' web page if you want to find someone nerdier than even I and a million times more pathetic.

that was cool

dude after the dude got sucked it looked like the vapor was giving them the finger.............nice

Very Good, but still needs some work

I like the entire thing, except the vioces. The actors just dont seem to enjoy what they are doing. I love the little refrences though. Hewey Lewis, April O'Neail and Spiderman. All great little things. Good job, just get better voice actors.